Once a year the titans of Devoxx convene to discuss secret Devoxx things. This year it was in Morocco. Mark Hazell presented Project Carbon – our goals, our areas of focus, our emerging timeline and the work so far. It was well received, and the other Devoxxes can watch Devoxx UK 2020 and use our learnings to create their own climate change pledges.
Our timeline now looks like this:
September – November
- Identify direct and indirect effects of event on environment
- Estimate the carbon footprint of the direct and indirect effects of 2019
By November
- Have a plan for quick wins and a long term strategy
By May
- Timeline for long-term strategy (e.g. carbon neutral by …)
This year we have created a new category of sponsorship which will be championed at #DevoxxUK2020 – a Green Sponsor. This is a chance to sponsor our green mission: Green Sponsors don’t attend (therefore are carbon neutral), and all of the sponsorship revenue will be given over to environmental software projects that require funding assistance. If you are interested in this, please get in touch.