Once a year the titans of Devoxx convene to discuss secret Devoxx things. This year it was in Morocco. Mark Hazell presented Project Carbon – our goals, our areas of focus, our emerging timeline and the work so far. It was well received, and the other Devoxxes can watch Devoxx UK 2020 and use our...Read More
The trello board is busy and we have an internal moniker, imaginatively, ‘Project Carbon’. For each element, in an ideal world, we want to know: What was the impact on this for 2019 What are the best ways to tackle it in 2020 The spectre of travel is still looming large, and there has since...Read More
After some preliminary research into green events, we focused on identifying the effects of Devoxx UK. What are the direct effects of Devoxx UK on the environment? What are the indirect effects? The dividing line for direct and indirect was ‘within our control to change’. So arguably, attendee travel is a direct effect: without the...Read More
It is early September. The rainforest is on fire, apocalypse anxiety is part of the global zeitgeist and we’re slowly waking up to the fact that we are tacitly complicit in our ignorance. Many of us who lauded Greta Thunberg, who has just stormed New York, have shockingly realised ourselves to be the adults that...Read More
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