Nicolai Parlog
Nicolai (aka nipafx) is a Java enthusiast focused on language features and core APIs with a passion for learning and sharing - in articles, newsletters, and books; in tweets, videos, and streams; in demo repos and at conferences - more on all of that on He's a Java Developer Advocate at Oracle and organizer of Accento. That aside, he's best known for his haircut.
In data-oriented programming (DOP), we model data as data and polymorphic behavior with pattern matching. This talk will introduce the concept of DOP and its four principles:
More - model the data, the whole data, and nothing but the data
- data is immutable
- validate at the boundary
- make illegal states unrepresentable
From Idea to IDE - How Java Features Are Considered, Designed, And Shipped
Conference (BEGINNER level)
OpenJDK is one of the world's most influential open source communities. It drives the reference implementation of Java SE and the Java Virtual Machine, a programming language and runtime environment used daily by millions of software developers. More than that, the community drives its innovation - 15 years and counting of new language features, core library additions, performance improvements, runtime enhancements, and new tooling.
But how does it all work? How does a community of Java enthusiasts, often financed by some of the biggest tech companies yet working with self-determination, turn ideas into designs into code into features you can use in your IDE? Well, let me explain (in this talk).
More But how does it all work? How does a community of Java enthusiasts, often financed by some of the biggest tech companies yet working with self-determination, turn ideas into designs into code into features you can use in your IDE? Well, let me explain (in this talk).
The speaker has never seen the deck they are about to present, and is told the subject matter just before the clock starts ticking.
20 slides will auto-advance every 15 seconds.
What could possibly go wrong?
More 20 slides will auto-advance every 15 seconds.
What could possibly go wrong?