
In the age of Deepfakes and Large Language Models (LLMs), the threat of misusing AI for shaping and manipulating public sentiment has reached unprecedented levels. In this talk, we shed light on the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its potential implications for our societies.
As pivotal elections in both the UK and USA loom in 2024, it is important to understand the evolving landscape of political influence, particularly in the digital realm. Remembering the impact of Cambridge Analytica’s manipulation during the Brexit era serves as a reminder of how information can be distorted to sway public opinion. In this keynote, we show the capabilities of modern AI and how they can be misused for shaping public opinion, using examples like Realtime Deepfakes and LLM-powered chatbots. Through a series of live demonstrations and showcases, we unveil the inner workings and technical foundation of these neural networks, highlight their capabilities and their weaknesses, and give an outlook on how we as a society can resist manipulation.
In a world where technology shapes narratives, understanding its potential and pitfalls is crucial. This talk aims to spark discourse and promote a future where technology serves societal betterment, not manipulation.
Martin Förtsch
TNG Technology Consulting GmbH
Martin Förtsch is an IT consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, located in Unterföhring near Munich. He holds a degree in computer sciences. Professionally, he specializes in Agile Development, primarily in Java, Search Engine Technologies, Information Retrieval, and Databases. As an Intel Software Innovator and Intel Black Belt Software Developer, Martin plays an active role in the creation of innovative tech-demos and showcases alongside the Innovation Hacking team.
In the past, Martin developed software for gesture-controlled quadrocopters using Intel RealSense technology and designed an Augmented Reality wearable prototype device. He frequently presents at both national and international conferences on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, and Test Driven Development. His prowess as a speaker has earned him multiple accolades, including the Oracle JavaOne Rockstar award.
Thomas Endres
TNG Technology Consulting GmbH
Thomas Endres is a Managing Partner for TNG Technology Consulting in Munich. Besides his normal work for the company and the management of the customers he is creating various prototypes, he and the the Innovation Hacking Team develop various prototypes, including an Augmented Reality application that displays the world from an artist's perspective, real-time deepfakes, or an AI for generating presentations. He works on applications in the field of AR/VR, AI, and gesture control to e.g. autonomously fly quadcopters or control them without physical contact. Furthermore, he is involved in various Open Source projects.
Thomas studied computer science at TU Munich and is a passionate software developer. As an Intel Software Innovator and Black Belt, he presents new technologies such as AI, AR/VR, and robotics worldwide. For this, he has received awards including a JavaOne Rockstar Award and several Best Speaker Awards.
Jonas Mayer
TNG Technology Consulting
Jonas Mayer is a Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting. As Head of Innovation Hacking, his main focus lies on creating innovative showcases and prototypes in soft- and hardware. Since 2018 he's been working on numerous projects ranging from market-leading Realtime Deepfakes, an LLM Shitposting AI, all the way to autonomous drone racing. As a keynote speaker, he has been talking about the Innovation Hacking projects at over a hundred conferences all across IT and Tech. Prior to joining TNG, Jonas studied Informatics: Games Engineering at TU Munich. More information can be found at